Thursday, January 24, 2008

How to get a good start to the day

As CEO, you never know how your day will start. This one started very well, with the following two emails waiting in my inbox. I share them with you because they made me happy. They show how a single person in a hospital can make a difference to patients and also affect the reputation of the institution.

#1 -- Yesterday morning I brought my mother to the BIDMC for a routine colonoscopy that took place in the Farr Building. As a self-appointed "secret shopper," I made an observation I'd like to share with you. When we arrived on the 8th floor, we were met by a nurse who introduced herself as Michelle. Michelle is truly a credit to your organization and her profession. She conveyed a caring and calming demeanor toward my mother and also exhibited the same professional courtesy with every patient in the waiting area. Clearly, patient-centered care is highly valued by Michelle. It is a team member like her who helps make BIDMC a first-class institution.

#2 -- I had meant to send this email back in November but got busy with the holidays. First met Ms. Morris, Rabb 3 Radiology, eight years ago when my husband was a patient at BIDMC for surgery. I now see her yearly when I visit that department for ultrasounds. She goes out of her way to be accommodating, efficient and most pleasant. Going to that department is a pleasure because of her being there at the registration desk. She is a great representation of BIDMC. Thanks for having Debra at that desk.

1 comment:

  1. Please allow me to share with you the nominating letter I wrote to The Globe's 2008 Salute to Nurses:

    Gail Benedetti, R.N. was my nurse in the days and nights immediately following my Whipple Procedure. After 7 1/2 hours of surgery, I was in no shape to advocate or care for myself. The surgeon may have saved my life but my nurse made it bearable! Gail did everything for me from removing my nasal gastric tube to giving me a sponge bath. I wasn't her only patient but she made me feel that I was. When I woke up she was there. When I went to sleep she was there. Bells and lights went off. Tubes and bags needed changing. Gail was there to make it right. It was uncanny, I didn't have to worry. My nurse was looking out for me.

    Because Gail took the time to explain each procedure, medication and piece of equipment to me - I knew what to expect. That shared information was both comforting and empowering to me as a patient. When pain was an issue, Gail made it her priority to advocate for me. She truly was my angel of mercy. The memory of her unflagging competence and compassion still brings tears to my eyes. I will be forever in her debt.

    During my eight days on the 9th floor of the Farr Building/BIDMC, I saw Gail interact with other patients, nurses and the medical staff. She was energetic, engaged and empathetic at all times. Gail was equally respectful and responsive to the needs and requests of all - patients as well as physicians. Gail proves that nursing is not just a job but a calling! Thank you for this opportunity to celebrate Gail Benedetti, R.N.

    Karen M. Becker

    Note to BIDMC: I received exemplary care at BIDMC.
    Mark Callery, M.D. (my gifted and intrepid surgeon) deserves his own letter. I just celebrated the 1 year anniversary of my Whipple on April 14th. What a difference a year makes!
