Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In memoriam: Ray Tye

I just got word that Ray Tye, one of the most generous people I have ever met, has died. He was generous in the way Maimonides would have liked: He gave without fanfare and with no wish for recognition.

Every now and then, he would hear of a patient, either local or international, who needed some sort of expensive medical treatment that was unaffordable for that person. Ray and his Medical Aid Foundation would provide funds for travel, treatment, and follow-up care -- from conjoined twins to an Iraqi woman with a heart condition.

In spite of his not wanting attention, people wanted to recognize Ray. Here, for example, Catholic Charities gave him their Justice and Compassion Award, the first time Catholic Charities presented that award to a member of the Jewish community.

At the personal level, Ray was warm and thoughtful and engaging. He would call me from time to time with an idea or to offer support, and he was always polite and modest, never wanting to interfere or be an inconvenience.

He was beloved in our community and will be missed in so many ways.


  1. What a of which most of us can only dream! He truly was a wonderful human being.

  2. Paul, I'm sorry to hear that.
