Thursday, March 11, 2010

New blog: Gastrically Changed

There is a new blog on the scene, entitled Gastrically Changed, by Kristen, a labor and delivery nurse who decided to have gastric bypass surgery. It is poignant and thoughtful and well written. (I like the play on words: It is hard not to read it as gastrically challenged!)

After I wrote her a note praising the blog, Kristen replied:

From the beginning of this entire process, I knew I was going to be very open about it. I think if you try to be secretive, people think you are ashamed or embarrassed about what you are doing...because THEY think YOU think you are doing something wrong. That makes everyone uncomfortable. I knew that I would lose a lot of people would figure it out either way. So if people would know, even if I didn't tell them, why not be open about it and remove all the uncomfortableness? This surgery was going to change my life for the better and I wanted to share that excitement with people! I was aware that, by being this open, people would ask questions and be curious. So if being open about my experience can help educate them, maybe I can do my small part to make this more accepted all around.

Please take a look and enjoy and learn from this patient's perspective.


  1. From Facebook:

    Lynn: She's such a special nurse & person...Thanks for posting.

  2. More admiring comments to Kristen on Facebook, many from her nurse colleagues:

    Jackie: Turn it into a book and you'll be rich!!

    Kristen: I dunno, Jackie...I'm really not a writer at all!

    Erika: You don't THINK you are a writer, but the blog begs to differ. What you write is interesting and funny and keeps the person reading and thinking of things in their own lives. THAT'S a writer. I enjoy your blog tremendously. It's just good writing and I relate to it. You go girl! Love it....

    Erin: You're so good at it!

    Jackie: Then the book could become a movie....

    Chrystal: Love the should turn it into a book, among many other things you are a great writter.

    Heidi: Kristen, I LOVE the blog! It is fabu and is getting the recognition it deserves. keep up the great work...on both your self and your blog.

    Amy: Kristen, your blog is great and you are an amazing person! Keep it up.

    Katy: Kristen, the blog is amazing. What you're doing is amazing and takes more courage than I think most of us have!
