Leaders Never Stop Learning: A Conversation with IHI’s
President and CEO, Maureen Bisognano
Thursday, September 9, 2010, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Eastern Time
President and CEO, Maureen Bisognano
Thursday, September 9, 2010, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Eastern Time
What’s it like to spend an hour with Maureen Bisognano? Well, for one thing, it’s nothing like reading the daily news about health care, some of which might have you throwing your hands up in utter despair. Maureen gets up early to make sure she’s read and heard the latest, but she’s also an early riser because there’s so much to do! Every barrier is an opportunity and, if you’re not quite convinced, Maureen loves to share the evidence. Maureen is also fond of saying, “Don’t worry alone!” There are strong models to learn from, not just in the US but internationally. And the community of experts willing to describe how they achieved their successes is often just a phone call, or an email, or an actual visit away. Maureen does a lot of traveling to learn things first hand, and that’s one reason she’s convinced there’s an unshakable drive out there to improve care.
Indeed, there’s probably never been a more crucial moment to take things to the next stage. How are we going to redesign and transform the health care system with patients rather than for them? How can health care improvement leaders seize the opportunity of health care reform and help shape an agenda that truly integrates lowering costs, improving quality, and improving health?
These are just some of the things on Maureen’s mind as she takes hold of the baton that she and Don Berwick more often than not traded back and forth to determine the best ways to help health care professionals deliver better, safer care. Please join WIHI host Madge Kaplan for a lively, honest, and optimistic discussion with Maureen about what’s in store for health care, what’s on the agenda at IHI, and what ideas and tools you need to seize the moment.
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