It has been beautiful weather here in New England, and writing a serious and thoughtful blog post is out of the question, especially when I have a chance, instead, to be outside with my visiting daughter. So, here are some scenes from yesterday.
The first two below are from lunch, sitting at the outdoor tables at Ming Tsai's Blue Ginger restaurant in Wellesley, MA. (Shiitake-Leek Springrolls with Three Chile Dipping Sauce; Sake-Miso Marinated Alaskan Butterfish, Wasabi Oil, Soy-Lime Syrup and Vegetarian Soba Noodle Sushi.)

The flowers are from a post-lunch hike in the Mass Audubon Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary in Natick. (Milkweed and what? Someone please identify.)

Cow vetch, unfortunately a non native weed.
Do you memorize restaurant menus for fun?
Used the website for that!
For the record, my more knowledgeable friends have corrected the ID to hairy vetch, from the hairs on the stems. Why it's always good to have a pro instead of an amateur. :)
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