I was dramatically wrong in a recent blog post when I suggested that the MA Center for Health Information and Analysis had failed to make broadly available an all-payer claims database. I apologize to the agency and to Executive Director Áron Boros. I print below the full text of a reply from Commissioner Boros which, for some reason, I did not receive earlier. I'd like to offer a reasonable excuse for my error, but--having done a root cause analysis--can best attribute it to the equivalent of diagnostic anchoring. I believed that CHIA had not acted to free the data. I conducted a (clearly incomplete) web search for information on the topic and found nothing to suggest an alternate view, so I concluded that I was correct. A good lesson all around.
Here's Commissioner Boros' complete comment to me, which will also be posted on the original site, along with an addendum by me in the text.
Here's Commissioner Boros' complete comment to me, which will also be posted on the original site, along with an addendum by me in the text.
While I
appreciate your continued advocacy for transparency and, in particular,
your focus on patients, I am concerned that this post does not reflect
any research on your part into the current state of transparency in
My agency, the
Center for Health Information and Analysis (CHIA), is responsible for
collecting, enhancing, and sharing the data in the all-payer claims
database (APCD), among many other data sets. You are wrong when you
state that CHIA has “failed to act.” Even a cursory look at our website
would confirm this. www.mass.gov/chia/apcd.
July of 2012, the all-payer claims database has been available for
public release. Applications to use this data are posted to our website
(at http://www.mass.gov/chia/researcher/health-care-delivery/hcf-data-resources/apcd/accessing-the-apcd.html ).
There, you can see that we have handled more than 15 applications in
the last 9 months. The first one is dated July 13, 2012. The
applications come from a wide variety of researchers and other users,
and address a number of interesting policy questions.
We also recently updated the fee schedule for access to the APCD (http://www.mass.gov/chia/docs/g/chia-ab/ab-13-03-apcd-fee-schedule.pdf ).
The fee schedule reflects a careful consideration of appropriate
pricing for this kind of data including, among other things, a public
hearing and comment process. The fee schedule also provides for full or
partial fee waivers for a variety of applicants, including students and
qualified researchers in certain circumstances.
am proud of our accomplishments in increasing data transparency, and
confess to a little bit of frustration that your post appears to assume
that we have not been working to fulfill this mission without a minimum
of research into what has actually happened over the last year. In
addition to the public release, the APCD is currently also being used to
help implement to the Affordable Care Act, is being used to support the
Division of Insurance in some of its market monitoring activities, and
is being used internally by CHIA for health care research and analysis.
forward, there is much more to come. As Pat G mentions, last year’s
Cost Containment bill provides for new access to the APCD. We are in the
process of revising our regulations to reflect the requirements of the
new bill, and anticipate releasing a proposed revision in May. Moreover,
the APCD will be used over the next 3 years to accelerate other health
care reform initiatives, including data sharing with providers under the
Executive Office of Health and Human Services’ State Innovation Model
grant. http://innovation.cms.gov/initiatives/State-Innovations-Model-Testing/index.html
I would be happy to discuss the APCD with you more. As should be clear from my comment, there is a lot to say.
Áron Boros
Executive Director
Center for Health Information and Analysis
Good acceptance of responsibility and correction, but the Commissioner's letter prompts 2 questions, which I ask in all innocence and not in criticism:
1. Why does one have to apply to use the database?
2. Why is there a fee to use the database?
nonlocal MD
Thank you. Will any of this data be made available to the public who might not want to do research but wants to know state and provider rates for medical conditions?
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