Please help me out. I am trying to "collect" viewers from all of the states and territories of Australia. See below. (I LOVE the worldwide nature of this medium.)
So far, I have heard from people in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, and Western Australia. I am still missing Tasmania. [Update on May 18: Tasmania has arrived!]
If you are viewing from any of those areas, please comment and let me know, along with the city or town.
Hi Paul - I have an internet colleague in Australia at the Primary Health Care Research and Information Service, and I am emailing her about your post. She might be willing to post something about your blog on general principles - i.e., for international information sharing on health care.
Would love to hear from her.
G'day Paul, It is quiet timely I stumbled across your blog - which is great by the way... I'm from Perth, Western Australia and work for the Health Department in Western Australia and recently sent a email to you and Jean Drew, but alas I didn't hear back.
I am on of the Director General's Director and was given the task of organising the Minister for Health and Director General's Study Tour to the USA which commences this coming Monday 16 April.
At this stage the Minister and Director General are in Boston from Tuesday, 24 Apr through to 27 Apr. Currently they are visiting MGH, Dana Farber, Childrens and BMC. Ofcourse you can see... I am missing a key Boston health icon... BIDMC!
As it turns out I have Wednesday, 25 Apr unschedule other than a few meetings in the late afternoon. I was wondering if you would be interested in hosting the delegation of three.
Areas of interest for the Minister and Director General include:
1. New concepts in hospital design and function. This coupled with the underpinning planning and transition management issues.
2. Advances in patient information and information technology.
Particularly viewing integrated solutions and impact on health service delivery.
3. Innovative models of care. With a significant focus on ambulatory and non-inpatient care, integrated service design and facility solutions.
4. Health care leadership and innovation. Focusing on employee engagement and associated systems. Also leadership development, driving ongoing reform/improvement initiatives and increasing community awareness.
Below I have provided a few key statistics about the Western Australian public health system. Currently the system is undergoing a major reform initiative including approx $4b in capital works lead by the Director General and Health Reform Implementation Taskforce to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the system including major capital works program.
* $3.5b annual operating budget
* 89 hospitals covering acute, community, metropolitan and regional facilities
* $4b capital works program
* 37,000 employees
* 431k hospital discharges pa
* 616k outpatient attendances with doctors pa
* 706k emergency department visits pa
* 88k surgeries pa
I can send you more information etc if you are interested and able to assist.
With kind regards
Kingsley Burton
Kingsley Burton
Project Director
Health Reform Implementation Taskforce
Ground Floor, 1 Alvan Street
Subiaco, WA, 6008
Tel: +61 (8) 9489 6155
Fax: +61 (8) 9489 6166
Mbl: +61 413 621 520
Would love to see you. We'll be in touch.
hi paul,
great site! my wife miranda (daughter of jessica lipnack) and i have been traveling in australia over the last six weeks and have recently seen tassie plates, as well as the "top end" (we were actually driving in Northern Territory plates this morning) so you are complete!
As a bonus, we had Cook Islands plates about two months ago...
- Jay
Well, seeing actual tassie plates is not enough. I need a visitor from Tasmania!
I'm the General Manager of a small hospital in Victoria, Australia (located north of Melbourne). I'm enjoying reading your blog. Keep up the good work.
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