Excuse me if I start to doze off. Our interpreters' annual lunch just happened, and I was "required" to taste everything from several dozen countries around the world. So, I am experiencing an early afternoon need for a siesta.
My discovery this year was catchupa, a Cape Verdean dish made by Fernanda (in photo). It has corn, beans, carrots, onions, pork, and other things cooked together for an hour or so. It is one of those comfort foods that makes you remember your childhood, even if you didn't come from Cape Verde! Other items today included a gazillion varieties of rice dishes, types of chicken, polenta, dumplings, ceviche, and, yes, "a few" desserts. All surrounded by good cheer and decorations from around the world.
This is a great example of the benefits of diversity in our country. At our workplace birthday potluck lunches, the variety and sheer "newness" of the food frequently inspired me to try new things at home. The cooks were also always proud to be asked about the food of their home countries. We used to joke we should just quit our jobs and start a catering business.
How do interpretation services work in your hospital?
Do you feel it is valuable for health care professionals to learn a second language?
This was a wonderful luncheon. I especially like the map hung in the room - you can see it behind the dessert table in the second photo - with pins showing all of the countries our interpreters represent. Remarkable!
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