Each year at this time, we conduct a ceremony acknowledging our employees and doctors who have worked 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45 years at BIDMC. This year, almost 300 people had those five-year anniversaries. Two of note are the two doctors show above from our Pathology Department, Harvey Goldman (45 years) and Seymour Rosen (40 years), both well known for their clinical skills and for their teaching abilities. Congratulations and thanks to them and all the others for so many years of dedicated service to the public and our hospital.
Hooray for the pathologists, one of my own, but often unrecognized. I think our specialty may be gone in 20 years, and a sad day that will be.
nonlocal MD
Oh, I totally disagree about that prognosis. The best is yet to come, at the molecular level.
Well yes, but that will be the start of the commoditization of the service and payor pressure to make it just another lab test, interpreted by technicians or clinicians rather than pathologists. That won't happen for quite awhile, but I believe it will eventually happen.
I just ran across an acronym for us hospital based docs - RAPE physicians - radiologists, anesthesiologists, pathologists, ER docs. Shows how they are regarded.....but thanks for the comment. (:
nonlocal MD
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