View just taken of the back yard and the park behind our house. I know it has snowed earlier than this in Boston, but it has been a long time since I remember one this soon. There was a Columbus Day about 7 years ago, as I recall. And then one snow squall earlier in October in 1970. I remember both of those because I went out bike riding on a sunny morning on both of those days, totally unprepared for the change.
In any event, the first snow always makes me recall
this story.
I recall that 1970 squall. We watched it from the upper floors of the Green building. The Meteorology department had a "first inch" betting pool that hadn't closed yet. When it headed over Logan, we redefined the pool that year to be "next inch". It was a very pretty storm too. Big cloud in a clear blue sky.
You inspired me to check the climate records. It was 17 October 1970. The next snow was 24 November that year.
Wow, thanks. I'm almost surprised at the precision of my memory. But not really. That was the first year I lived off campus, so I remember it pretty well. I rode my bike from Brookline to Cambridge on a beautiful warm morning, wearing a t-shirt. Later, the weather turned. A friend was kind to give me a ride home in his car, loading the bike into the back seat.
We got our first dusting of snow here about 3 weeks ago. Last week we actually had a layer on the ground. God this is going to be a long winter...
Do you like snow?
I love it, but we hardly ever get any here in VA and we definitely didn't get much in TX!
Thanks for the nice words about my blog and for the visit!
Love the story about what you "recall" when you see a first snow. Aren't children just wonderful?!
That is so funny that you have this pic. My parents were up in Boston last weekend and my mom must have sent me 10 text messages that it was snowing... and still snowing...lol
You people like snow....i hate snow i used to live in Calgary and like 8 months in a year it is covered with snow...n i used to think that mayb we are cursed or something....
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