Saturday, November 09, 2013

Helping in Haiti

My good buddy Cherie Abbanat is CEO of Haiti Projects, Inc., a 501(c)(3) corporation with a mission to empower women in rural Haiti to lift themselves out of poverty, become self-sufficient and build community. Haiti Projects is located in the town of Fond des Blancs, where it is the second largest employee in the region where over 35,000 people live with no electricity or public services.

They run an artisan cooperative that employs 95 women; a health clinic that conducts over 4000 patient consultations; a library with 700 members, daily newspaper, and Cyber Café, and many educational programs for adults and young people.  And did I mention the girls soccer team, with over 60 players at this time?

The organization is currently trying to meet funds to match a Kellogg Foundation grant, and they need to raise $93,000 this year.  Luckily, it is easy for you to help.  Of course, you can send cash, but you can also go here to buy this year's Chanukah and Christmas presents for your friends and family.  The handiworks are lovely and very well made, like the embroidered tulip nightgowns to the left.  Here's the site for the on-line store.

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