Part of the current NHS plan is to introduce the concept of polyclinics, which I believe to be roughly analogous to our multi-specialty groups. Here, primary care physicians would join with specialists in one location to offer a range of primary and secondary care outside of hospital settings. One reason to do this is to reduce the number of stand-alone GPs, who, because they are working alone, really cannot provide good access to their patients or a very full range of care.
The idea of linking to Second Life is very clever. Any person can enter the virtual world of Second Life and take a tour through a polyclinic to get a feeling of what it would be like. In addition, the program includes a survey to allow members of the public to comment on what they have learned and to make suggestions as to how the concept might be improved.
I had not seen this done anywhere else before, and so I was impressed. Then, this morning, I learned that there are several other examples of medical facilities on Second Life. Bertalan Meskó provides a top ten list here. I haven't had a chance to look through them carefully, but I think the NHS usage of this application remains an unusual example of a way to both educate the public about a governmental proposal and also to seek public comments.
I would love to be your guide in Second Life. Let me know when you have time.
Berci's list is super and hits many of the top spots.
I humbly offer my travel postcards sent from almost 100 health care venues in Second Life.
I would also draw attention to this Monday's announcement of Palomar Pomerado's Health hospital's entrance into SL.
There are almost too many healthcare related things going on in SL to keep track of. The wiki of SLHealthy does a good job of tracking them.
(SL:Knoh Oh)
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