I am pleased to post this announcement:
IHI and JAMA Announce Author and Article for the July 21st Call
Kenneth J. Mukamal, MD, MPH, author of A 42-Year-Old Man Considering Whether to Drink Alcohol for His Health.
Join the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on Wednesday, July 21, 2010,from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Time for “Author in the Room,” an interactive conference call aimed at closing the gap between knowledge – what is published in an article - and action – how much of this knowledge is put into practice to improve care. This interactive call will help readers consider the implications of the study results for improving their practice. To read more and access this month's article, click here.
To help launch this unique collaboration between IHI and JAMA, IHI's Don Berwick, MD, MPP, and JAMA Editor Catherine D. DeAngelis, MD, MPH, co-authored a JAMA editorial.
There is no fee for this innovative initiative but enrollment is required. Enrollment grants you one telephone connection and unlimited participation at your site. Please note there are limited lines available for this call so early enrollment is encouraged. A free audio recording of the call will be posted to the "Archive" tab of the program web pages after the call.
Enroll now for the July 21st "Author in the Room" call.
What an innovative idea. Pursuing the thought that the devil is in the details, I wonder about a physician being able to schedule this out of his precious office time. Not to be crass, but reality says that there might be higher participation if CME credit were to be offered....(unless I missed that in the details myself.)
nonlocal MD
Yep, I did miss that this has been ongoing since 2005. Never mind.
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