My hosts were Dean Eileen Peacock and Hershel Alpert, Executive-in-Residence (in photo). Hershel, a very successful businessperson, has offered this time in his retirement to help in an educational role at the college. Eileen, by the way, is soon leaving her post to be vice president for Asia of the AACBS, the organization that accredits business schools worldwide. We wish her well as she travels to her new assignment in Singapore.
As always, I enjoyed the time with the students (some shown here), who came from three classes: strategy, services marketing, and quantitative methods. They were attentive and friendly, and asked great questions. First prize goes to Tony, though, seen in the top picture in the grey sweatshirt and between two more reticent friends. He had the quickest and best answers to several questions I posed to the students.
1 comment:
Kudos Tony!
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