Lots of folks showed up, including Sox VP Sam Kennedy and Wally the Green Monster (the Red Sox mascot), seen here with nursing supervisor Phyllis West. Healthy food is offered, especially Fenway Franks!
Many of our clinical chiefs of service attend, too: Here you see our new chief of Anesthesia, Brett Simon, standing to the right of Alan Lisbon, a member of his faculty who served as interim chief during the HMS search process. Nurses from the PACU are regular attendees, including two Mary's here flanking Dr. Eswar Sundar, another of Brett's faculty members.
The event's main organizer is Laurie Bloom, seen with COO Eric Buehrens. Donors show up, too. Al Tanger, seen with son Woody, sponsors a scholarship with his wife Brenda in honor of Maggie Fermental, a beloved young nurse who suffered a serious stroke a few years ago. Maggie, seen seated and smiling broadly, now runs support sessions for stroke victims and their families.
So, I think recognizing nurses is great and all, but what about recognizing RESIDENTS. They are probably the most underpaid, underappreciated bunch in the hospital (sorry nurses).
The Departments (in our place) run all kind of events for the residents.
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