Here are some visitors who came tonight. Many came with siblings. In the bottom picture, you see nurse Melissa Adams holding one of her alumnae.
This is a blog by a former CEO of a large Boston hospital to share thoughts about negotiation theory and practice, leadership training and mentoring, and teaching.
Thank you. That is a good reminder. Our own 2 1/2 year old was in the NICU for 17 days, and now we are struggling to keep up with him!
We all have a lot to be thankful for, and it is always nice to say thanks.
Transfered from Facebook:
Cyndi: gives me the chills!!!!!
Grace: Thank you to all the dedicated people who love and care for these small babies.
Lynnie: Amiel and I have never visited the ICU we stayed in when he was very sick, perhaps out of fear!
I've added your Evening of Thanks to the article that I wrote this year on Giving Thanks Even when Thanksgiving is in the NICU for the Type-A Mom NICU section.
There were so many wonderful examples of people helping NICU Parents at Thanksgiving.
This is beautiful!!
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